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Her finner du informasjon om hvilke personopplysninger vi samler inn, hvorfor vi gjør dette og dine rettigheter knyttet til behandlingen av personopplysningene.
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Privacy statement for Skarvan og Roltdalen

We process personal data about you whenever you visit this website.

Data controller

The data controller of the personal data we process about you is Marit Sophie Berger from Skarvan og Roltdalen nasjonalpark. 

Regulation of our processing of personal data

Privacy protection is important both to you as a user and to us. We are committed to protecting and respecting your personal privacy.

We are subject to General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 in our processing of personal data.

We primarily collect personal data entered directly by you as a user. You will be notified if third-party data are collected, except in the following instances: if the collection is statutory, if the notification is impossible or disproportionately difficult or if you are already aware of the information the notification will contain.

In the event we want to obtain data from you that are not necessary for the safeguarding the contractual relationship which arises when you sign up as a user of our services, we will first inform you that the provision of this data is voluntary and then explain what the data will be used for.

Why we process your personal data

The purpose of processing personal data is primarily to attend to our management tasks in the areas of climate, natural diversity, outdoor activities and pollution.

We process personal data to the extent imposed or permitted by legislation for such processing.

We process specific personal data for the following purposes:

  • Email addresses as a basis for sending out newsletters and providing information about our activities.
    The processing is done on the basis of an agreement with you when you subscribe to the newsletter and confirm that you wish to receive it. We are under an obligation to refrain from disclosing your email address to any other party or from using it for any purpose other than sending newsletters. You can unsubscribe by clicking a link in the newsletter you receive.
  • Responding to enquiries we receive
    In this case, we process the name, phone number, email address and any personal data arising from the enquiry. The processing of personal data is based on a balancing of interests. In our view, the data are often necessary in order for us to help you with your enquiry.
  • We use cookies to get information about the use of our websites
    We process personal data on the basis of a balancing of interests. We have deemed that this is necessary for us in order to target the website to our users. However, we protect your privacy by using the information for statistical purposes only. In these statistics, it is not possible to personally identify you.

Use of cookies

We use cookies to develop and analyze usage patterns. Cookies are small text files stored by our website on the user’s computer.

Our online services use cookies that make the website remember past user settings made on the page. Cookies also give us statistics. We use the statistics as a basis for improving our websites.

We never retain information that could identify you personally or that could infringe on your privacy. We use Google Analytics to analyze the information.

You can reject the use of cookies by adjusting the settings in your browser. Please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the functionality on our web pages.

Cookies on this website


  • Source: Facebook.
  • Purpose: We use Facebook’s pixel to target information on Facebook based on the user’s behavior on our website.
  • Lifespan:Removed from your computer when you close your browser.


  • Source: Google Analytics is a service we use to see detailed statistics about website visitors.
  • Purpose: It is used to differentiate unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in each page request on a website and it is used to calculate data about visitors, sessions, and campaigns for website analysis reports.
  • Lifespan: 2 years.


  • Source: Google Analytics.
  • Purpose: It is used to restrict request rates and limit data collection on high-traffic websites.
  • Lifespan: 10 minutes.


  • Source: Google Analytics.
  • Purpose: It is used to differentiate unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier.
  • Lifespan: 1 day.


Disclosure of personal data

Your personal data will be disclosed to public authorities and other third parties when so required by a statutory duty of disclosure or access right.

Disclosure to other parties is also possible, to the extent required for us to securely perform our administrative duties that involve you.

Transfer of personal data to our data processors is not deemed disclosure.

Transfer of personal data abroad

We do not disclose personal data to countries outside the EU/EEA area.

How we protect your personal data

Protecting your personal data is a high priority for us. We continuously work to protect personal data and other confidential information.

Security work includes physical, technical and administrative measures, including the protection of personnel, information, IT infrastructure, internal and public networks, as well as office buildings and technical facilities.

Our security efforts also mean that we regularly review various factors such as risk exposure, available technology, business needs and statutory requirements. This ensures that we have adequate security measures in place at all times so we can prevent personal data breaches, for example.

Use of data processors

In some cases, we use external data processors to collect, store or otherwise process personal data on our behalf.

In such cases, we enter into agreements with the data processor to ensure that the processing of the data complies with the data protection regulations and our requirements for the processing of personal data.

The use of data processors is not deemed disclosure of personal data.

Storage time

We delete or anonymize personal data about you once the purpose of the individual processing is fulfilled, unless the information must or may be kept after this as stipulated by law.

This means, for example, that the personal data we process on the basis of your consent will be deleted if you withdraw your consent.

Your rights when we process personal data about you

You have the right to demand access to or to correct or delete the personal data we process about you. You also have the right to restrict the processing, to object to the processing and to demand the right to data portability.

You can read more about the details of these rights at . the Norwegian Data Protection Authority.

By contacting us, you may demand to have access to registered personal data, to receive a description of the types of information processed and to get further information about how we process the data.

To exercise your rights, please send an email to the Data Protection Officer. . . We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible and no later than within thirty (30) days

In order to respond to your inquiry, we kindly ask you to verify your identity or provide further information so we can respond to your enquiry. We do this to make sure that we only provide access to your personal data to you and not to someone else pretending to be you.


Please direct any complaints about our processing of your personal data to the  Norwegian Data Protection Authority..


If we change our services or if the regulations regarding the processing of personal data are amended, this may prompt us to have to change the information you have received here.

Updated information will always be readily available on this website.

Contact us

We will respond to your enquiry as soon as possible and no later than within thirty (30) days.

Contact us

The National Park for Skarvan and Roltdalen and Sylan
Postbox 2600
Tel: 73 19 93 11


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