Experience Skarvan and Roltdalen
The forest, mountains, and lakes make the national park a beautiful area to explore by foot or on skis. There are numerous tourist cabins and well-marked hiking trails. There are plenty of excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing and berry picking. The Schulzhytta tourist cabin is in the heart of the national park. Schulzhytta offers overnight accommodation and range of clearly marked trails to follow and visit the surrounding villages. Count on it being on a good day’s hike over the mountains and across marshes to reach Schulzhytta.
Experience Skarvan and Roltdalen
The forest, mountains, and lakes make the national park a beautiful area to explore by foot or on skis. There are numerous tourist cabins and well-marked hiking trails. There are plenty of excellent opportunities for hunting, fishing and berry picking. The Schulzhytta tourist cabin is in the heart of the national park. Schulzhytta offers overnight accommodation and range of clearly marked trails to follow and visit the surrounding villages. Count on it being on a good day’s hike over the mountains and across marshes to reach Schulzhytta.

Hiking and mountaineering
You will find several tourist cabins if you follow “Norge på Tvers” (Norway Across), hiking along 63° north. Nord-Trøndelag Tourist Association runs two self-catering cabins: Kvitfjellhytta – located northwest of the national park – and Prestøyhytta – located in the national park by Skarvan. Trondheim Tourist Association (TT) runs both Schulzhytta and Ramsjø tourist cabins. Schultzhytta is in the heart of the national park and is staffed during the summer and at Easter. At other times, it is self-catering. Ramsjøhytta is located just south-east of the national park. For more information about the «Norge-på-tvers» hike and tourist cabins, visit www.dnt.no and www.ut.no. If you search for hiking routes in Sylan, you will find information about hiking trails and cabins in the Skarvan and Roltdalen National Park.
Hunting and fishing
There are plenty of opportunities to go fishing and hunting in Skarvan and Roltdalen. Information about hunting and finishing licences can be found at www.inatur.no. Visit the maps page on www.inatur.no and zoom in to the area for Skarvan and Roltdalen National Park. You will also find information on these pages about cabins and cottages that are available to rent

Hunting and fishing
There are plenty of opportunities to go fishing and hunting in Skarvan and Roltdalen. Information about hunting and finishing licences can be found at www.inatur.no. Visit the maps page on www.inatur.no and zoom in to the area for Skarvan and Roltdalen National Park. You will also find information on these pages about cabins and cottages that are available to rent

The millstone quarries
Cultural relics from several hundred years of extracting millstones can be found in particular in the area around Kvernfjellvatna and south to Høgfjellet. If you hike along the tourist trail from Hoemskjølen and towards Schulzhytta tourist cabin, you will pass some of the quarries. On the map of Skarvan and Roltdalen National Park, a separate area is marked “Zone A”. This shows where the cultural relics from the cutting of millstone are strictly protected. You are allowed to explore the quarries, but stones and other things must be left alone.

Contact us
The National Park for Skarvan and Roltdalen and Sylan
Postbox 2600
Tel: 73 19 93 11
Email: lars.slettom@statsforvalteren.no